Press round up

One of the jobs I do here at Knit Picks is send out press releases and work with knitting publications to get them samples of our yarns and new products.

I’m really excited that our yarns and tools have been appearing in so many print publications lately.

Did you see our teleidoscope and cute little yarn cutter in Interweave Gifts?

Interweave also showed Knit Picks yarn a little love in their Accessories issue. The Never Wimpy Wimple is knit in Shadow. The Mini-Poncho is Andean Silk and Elegance. And the Keep Them Warm Wristlets use Gloss Sock yarn.

Verena showcased our East Meets West Bags in their Fall issue.

Vogue Knitting included our Harmony and metal cable needles in their cable needle review recently.

And Knit N Style’s February issue featured Stroll in Tree Fort and the pattern for our Waves Shawl.

I just love opening up a new issue of my favorite knitting magazines and seeing Knit Picks products! <