More Sock Summit!

So for my first ever blog post here, I thought I’d share some of my experiences at Sock Summit! I hope you are not all bored by all the Sock Summit posts yet – it was such a once in a lifetime experience and it happened in our own back yard!

I got to meet and take a class from Charlene Schurch! A little back story: When I decided to start knitting socks a little over 4 years ago, I just couldn’t wrap my head around how to it. (you should see my first attempts. Scary stuff.) I was so frustrated I threw the poor misshapen sock across the room and ignored it for months at a time.

But I really love wearing funky socks & was determine to learn how to make my own. I researched a few books and finally picked up Sensational Knitted Socks. Working on the Class Sock, it was like a light bulb going off over my head – I understood! I could do it!

So to this day, I have made at least 50 pairs of socks & I owe it all to that book & Charlene Schurch’s helpful clear instructions. I still refer to that book & her second one (More Sensational Knitted Socks) no matter what pattern I’m working on because of the different heels, toes, and patterns in them.

When Sock Summit was announced & I saw that she was going to be there, you can imagine my delight. Especially since I was able to get into her class Top Down Socks That Use Up All The Yarn – I learned such great techniques from it & I was so thrilled to meet her.

Hi. I’m a dork.

I also have to share a photo of one of my other favourite knitting celebrities – Amy Singer of Knitty. I’ve met her a couple of times before (we have friends in common) and she is always just a funny & witty in person as she is online and in her books (No Sheep For You is one of my faves) and of course Knitty! Actually, the picture with Charlene is my Amelia sweater from a few issues back

I didn’t need a book signed (I have them all already!) but she gave me a button anyway.

Those interactions were only a small part of what made Sock Summit so much fun – you can hear more on Kelly’s Podcast this week, including me gushing over it. 🙂 <