Some people have pictures of dear friends, devoted pets or adoring families set as their wallpaper images. HO HUM. Wouldn’t you rather see a knitting Jackalope as your bleary eyes turn to your phone first thing in the morning?
In celebration of our fantastic new pattern collection by Annie Watts, we’re offering free Cryptozoology wallpaper downloads—available in mobile, tablet and desktop sizes. To get the wallpaper size of your choosing, simply click the applicable device icon below your favorite monstrous scene.
And by the way, are there any other dynamite KP photos you wish you could immortalize on your desktop? Leave suggestion in the comments—we’re definitely listening!
“Jackalope“, knit in Wool of the Andes worsted yarn
“Neck Kraken“, knit in Gloss DK yarn
“Sea Serpent Squish“, knit in Biggo bulky yarn