I don’t know if this has ever happened to you, but I was browsing through the kazillion of fun buttons at Joann’s a while back and found this button “Cute as a button”. Which describes my granddaughter. (I think that’s what any nana would say! right?) (here’s a picture of Kalyn -not big on smiling right then – with her big brother, Cole)
Well I had to buy the button, I mean it was calling to me! and when I got home I thought “now what do I do with it?” (I have a lot of things that I’ve collected over the years and they’re still sitting, waiting for me to do something with them). I thought about it for quite a while (maybe a year? ha!)
Finally I thought I need to do something with this button before Kalyn gets too old! (22 mos. right now). So what does someone do? someone who always has ideas and loves to create? Well design a hat of course. Isn’t that what a button should inspire? And not just a plain hat, but one with colorwork (since that’s a skill I just recently learned!!).
I am so thilled with the final result. A floppy hat with a reversible brim (and the button actually buttons! go figure!!!) I made this out of Shine Sport. It is so soft and was great to work with. And washable, which is a good thing since I made it white (what was I thinking?!!!). As you can see, Kalyn looks adorable in it, so the button saying is just perfect!
This colorwork is so much fun and so inspiring! this is my 4th hat design… I’m on a roll now!!! Hmmmm… what shall I create next? oh the possibilities!!!