Secret knitting

I’ve been doing secret Christmas knitting, and I haven’t been able to post about it because I know some of my family members browse this site. I didn’t want to spoil their surprise. But, Kelley suggested I show a close-up, so you can’t really tell what they are – just proof that I have, indeed, been knitting! So here you go, in all sorts of bright, cheery Swish Worsted colors. (Machine washability is a very important trait for all my gift knitting!)

Can you tell what they are? I will send a prize to the first person who guesses correctly (post a comment below with your guess). I won’t be able to announce the winner, in order to keep the secret from my family, but I will send the winner a private message to let them know. I want to make sure the prize suits the winner, so we can chat a bit about what kind of knitting you especially love, and I’ll send you something appropriate.

Have fun! <