What’s your wackiest “re-use?”
We all do it, right? We all have things around the house that we use in a creative way–a way that they weren’t meant to be used for. We may not have even thought about the fact that those “re-uses” are each a tiny step towards helping to keep the planet green.
I mean, is there a more creative group than knitters? We take yarn and turn it into everything from sweaters to dish cloths to baby toys. And knitting a reusable grocery tote just takes it to the next level of green-ness, reusable-ness and cool-ness.
To enter this contest we’re looking for your wackiest, most creative re-use. Post your contest entry in the Give One Away Knit Along. The winner will receive one of our quickly-becoming-famous organic gift baskets including chocolate, a candle, and of course Knit Picks yarn and needles.
We have a feeling that we’re all going to pick up a bunch of cool tips from this contest. We’ll again, pick a top five and have the crowd vote. You have until June 19 to enter to win.
Need me to get you started? Here’s mine:
I drink a ridiculous amount of decaf black tea. I use quart canning jars to drink out of, and the clear glass turns brown and the stain does not come out in the dish washer. I’ve discovered that a few drops of water and about a tablespoon of salt and a dishcloth easily scrubs the salt, even out of the textured parts. I guess it’s not “re-using” the salt, but it would be almost impossible to actually “re-use” salt. I also dust my bedroom and bathroom with my used socks before I put them in the dirty clothes hamper, but I thought that was a little too weird to share. <