Hello, everyone! This week in the Design a Sweater Class, we’ll be discussing hem treatments, calculating your cast-on, and begin knitting our sweaters! This is a fun step for me becuase I really feel like my project is underway now! Here’s the ribbing pattern I chose for my hem:
I also realized that I have not yet shared the sketch for my own design with you, so today I took a hasty picture:
As you can see even this vague sketch gives me some good information about how deep I want my hem to be, so if you haven’t yet, you might want to do a sketch of your own to solidify your design ideas! Of course, you may also notice that I changed my hem pattern between when I did the sketch and when I started knitting, so don’t worry, you are not married to any sketch that you do Feel free to link to your sketches in the comments so that we can post feedback!
In the video and handout this week, I’ll be discussing various hem treatments, and walking you through how to calculate the number of stitches to cast on. And then, hopefully you will cast on!
Don’t you just love when the captured frame on the video gives you frog face?!?
You can view and print the pdf here:
Ask any questions you have in the comments, or just share your ideas for hem with the rest of the class! Hopefully we can get a good knowledge base going there that will be useful for future students as well! Our class has a tag now, so you can always access our whole archive on one page right here:
Happy knitting! Tune in again next week when we’ll discuss how to shape the torso to get the fit you’ve always wanted from a sweater!