Crafting started as something fun to do once in a while, like during a rainy day or on the odd vacation weekend. I have a few memories of making massive collages of tiny horses cut out of magazines, or sorting through a giant jar of buttons.
That was all before I picked up a pair of knitting needles late in high school. From that moment on I needed to craft. It became a lifestyle. I knit in class, on the bus, during movies, on car rides to the store and especially in parks on nice days. Today I always have a larger project to work on at home and a smaller portable project to work on when I’m out in the fresh air and I noticed during this past round of craft shows that I always love picking up purses and tote bags but my first thought was always “hmmm… how much knitting can I fit in here?”
I’m not making a statement with my public craftitude, instead I’m simply keeping busy and working through my stash no matter where I am. I do get a little thrill whenever a stranger asks what I’m making or even just correctly identifies whether I’m sewing, knitting or crocheting (conversely, I HATE it when someone asks what I’m sewing when I’m clearly knitting… sheesh!).
I think the project that has spent the most time out and about with me is my Hue Shift Afghan. I bought the yarn after I saw the finished blanket when it came through the office, well before I even shot it for the catalog! I couldn’t WAIT to get started!
Well, almost exactly one year later I just finished weaving in the last end. It is by far my most long-term project and one of the least portable but I wanted to finish it so badly that I wound up lugging it around with me for the past five months.
Now it’s officially done (complete with a photo!) so now the space in my purse for projects is freed up and I’m definitely at a bit of a loss for what to start next! I think I’m due for a few toys or mittens. Lately I’ve been grabbing a ball of yarn and a crochet hook instead of reaching for my circulars when I head out on a date or to a coffee shop. I love how portable and quick Amigurumi or granny squares can be!