Just in time for the 90+ degree weather: A wool vest!

The weather’s been pretty crazy here in the Northwest. It went from the 40s to the 90s in 2 days, so when I finished my Fad Classic vest, it was 96 degrees. Thankfully, I have air conditioning! Today it’s back to cool temperatures and rain though. Normally I would be sad, but it gives me a chance to wear the vest before I have to pack it away for summer. (Summer IS coming, right?)

This was a fairly quick knit, though the stitch pattern did get a bit tedious after a while. It’s supposed to double as a summer top, but it looks horrible on me like that for some reason. As a vest, it’s flattering. I wouldn’t want to wear a wool summer top anyway!

Pattern: Fad Classic by Wendy Bernard
Yarn: Swish Worsted in “Jade”
Needles: Options Nickel Plated, size 6 for body and 4 for edging. <