Many of us here are avid bike riders – it’s easy to do, living in the Portland OR/Vancouver WA area! Each year, the city of Portland shuts down the 10 (now 11) bridges over the Willamette River for bikes to safely ride across for Providence Bridge Pedal. All proceeds go to health and wellness charities around the area, including a portion to fund concussion and neurocognitive testing, known as ImPact testing. Several of us have done it over past couple of years but this year, we put together the official Knit Picks team of employees and spouses – complete with cute shirts!
All of us signed up for the 11 Bridge course, so this photo was after we rode between 30-35 miles in the hot sun and we’re all a little giddy and sweaty! We had a great time, even with some course issues.
Here’s a close up of our cute, one of a kind shirt we all wore.
It was a beautiful day, if a little hot towards the end. One of the best parts of the ride is to experience views we normally wouldn’t be able to, due to vehicle traffic. Here are some of them!

Heidi (Knit Picks) and Victor (IT) on top of the Fremont Bridge. Sadly, they were left out of the main photo of the team!
It was a great day all around – fresh air, great views and exercise for a good cause. We’ve been looking forward to it all year and we’re already planning next year’s ride!