Well, we’re 25 days into 2017, so we’re checking in on our progress on our crafty resolutions so far. (You can see what we resolved to do here!)
Alison, Director of Knit Picks
I’ve actually been making progress! Committing to my Corvid sweater as a New Year’s resolution helped to guilt me into getting back on track. I’m currently finishing up the second sleeve, then I will be moving on to the front bands and collar that are done in cartridge rib. Still a lot of work left, but I feel re-energized about the project overall.
Stacey, Outreach Director
My resolution was to knit more sweaters & I’ve started with finishing one I started over a year ago! I’ve picked up my long neglected cardigan from Hilary Smith Callis’s The Sweater Book (it’s the Napali Cardigan with the stitch pattern from the Moab Vest). I’m almost finished with the first sleeve so I just have the second sleeve to go. Maybe I’ll finish before it gets too warm to wear it!
Hannah, Catalog Director
Phew! It’s a month into 2017 and I have to admit, I haven’t even begun to touch Brioche. In fact, I just finished my very last Christmas present for 2016 yesterday. So late, so sorry.
I’m very ready to dive into some selfish knitting, I think my first Brioche project might be the Basic Brioche Cowl from Brioche Chic!
Heidi, Art Director
I’m pretty proud of myself this year – I achieved one third of my new year’s goals already! Lesson learned: if I want the satisfaction of completing a new year’s resolution, make it about knitting, not the gym
I knit my first baby Fair Isle sweater, and it was a BLAST! It was simple, two-color snowy tree design. It felt like I was painting, watching the design emerge. It was also easier on my poor achy hands, as I knit it pretty slowly and varied my hand motions. Can’t wait to try more Fair Isle!
Emily, Graphic Designer
I wanted to finish more WIPs this year, and so far I’ve finished a shawl, a cardigan, and a hat. However, I’ve also started another cardigan and a hat, so it’s a bit of a draw so far. I’m hoping to keep the number of FOs higher than the WIPs.
Alexis, Merchandise Planner
Is it the end of January already? How did that happen? I’m happy to report that I’m holding steady with my resolutions. I purchased a book on quick jarring and have a batch of homemade kombucha fermenting. I have watched some of the Knit Picks How To crochet videos preparing myself to attempt this chevron blanket. As for my knitting resolution I think I am ready to knit in the round.
Jennifer, Marketing Director
I haven’t done anything yet! Although… I have booked a weekend at the coast with my Mom, so she can teach me to crochet and I can teach her to knit.
Daniel, Administrative Assistant
My sweater is going swimmingly; I’m just about to start the final shaping on the shoulders (it’s bottom up with a saddle shoulder). I might not be done by the end of Winter, but I think it’ll be ready for those crisp Spring mornings. I’ve also done some swatching and experimenting with Fair Isle, and I think I found a technique that helps with the strand management that always drove me to giving up before. Working for Knit Picks has really inspired me to reach out of my knitting comfort zone.