EZ Anniversary Shawl Update

EZ’s shawl hasn’t been the focus of all of my knitting attention but it hasn’t been neglected. Each section has only a four-round repeat pattern. That means no chart and just a 3 x 5 index card to keep track of the rounds. I’m at the 576 stitch segment. It’s still lace knitting so you have to pay attention, but I’ve actually been dragging it around with me as my “social” knitting – dinner with friends, parties, etc. I also think that the ethereal quality of Smoke Heather in Alpaca Cloud is irresistable. I just can’t wait to see it finished.

I am planning a change. Gee, what a surprise! I would like a more dramatic border.

So, I’m going to start looking through my lace shawl books like The Second Book of Modern Lace Knitting by Marianne Kinzel to find something that appeals to me.