Monthly Archives: August 2010

I received my “20 Colors” for my Colors by Kristin knitting!

Kristin Nicholas asks her students to bring at least twenty colors of yarn to her classes. So, I took her advice as my first step towards enjoying several patterns from her book – Color by Kristin. Since we have expanded our color selection in Wool of the Andes – Worsted, I decided to make that my yarn line of choice. No, I am not going to give you a list of all twenty colors! This is supposed to be an exercise in your own color sensibilities.



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Spinning, spinning and spinning

We have been working on a huge surprise for you! I have had to keep it a secret for nearly a year!

A Knit Picks drop spindle and two sizes of niddy noddies. Stunningly
beautiful roving all ready to spin with a drop spindle or a wheel.
Collections of multi-colored roving to enjoy as special treats.
Honestly! It’s been so much fun!

But, now I can introduce you to our new fiber toys as well as the first two videos from my online “Learn to Spin Yarn” video class and a Spin-Along to make it a party!! Each week in August, I will post a new video of your next spinning lesson. The first two videos to get you started are “Learn to Spin Yarn– Intro to Drop Spindling” and “Learn to Spin Yarn– Drop Spindling Terminonlogy”. All you need to get started is a drop spindle and a bit of roving.

Here is how I am going to celebrate!

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Interview with Melissa Dominguez

Melissa Dominguez
was one of the very first designers we approached when we started the
Independent Designer Program and it’s no wonder – several of us here
love her patterns for OpArt and Josephine
from Knitty. We all love her new patterns just as much and obviously
you all do too, as she’s one of the most popular IDP designers!  So I
just had to do a little interview with her – enjoy!

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